Work With Us

Put us in your

back pocket

As a wedding planner, you need more than great organizational skills and personality. You need connections.

Like most planners, you have cultivated your “basics”—the caterer, the photographer, the officiant, etc.

But what if someone wants ceremony musicians? Do you have a contact? More importantly, do you have options?

I want to be the contact in your back pocket, providing you access to more options than your competition. With Overtone in your planning arsenal, you will be leagues ahead of your planning peers.

Contact us to begin a planning relationship that will pay off for years to come.

Why Work With Us?


You cannot be expected to know everything about every aspect of wedding planning. Working with musicians can be a whole new world of concern. How much should a musician cost? What kind of music can they play? Does that music even sound good played on those instruments? What about taking care of instruments? These are the kind of questions that we at Overtone specialize in knowing the answers to. With over twenty years experience playing music and a decade working at weddings, we have the expertise you need to properly plan for your brides wedding.


We provide access to a wide range of ensemble arrangements—whether solo, duo, trio, or quartet—and an even wider array of instrumentation. Does your couple love harp? Piano? String ensembles? Maybe even something a bit unorthodox, like saxophone, clarinet, or trumpet? We actively cultivate relationships within the music community of Boston so that we can provide access to whatever ensemble arrangement or instrumentation your couple desires.


We are happy to work with you and your couple in a variety of formats. If your couple likes to be involved, you can put us directly in contact with them and we will work out all the details with them. If your couple is a bit more hands off, we are happy to work with you on all the nitty gritty details. Setup a consultation between us and the couple so that we can customize their experience, but the rest can be easily managed between us and you, the planner. Whatever relationship and process works best for you and your couple, we can accommodate that.


Nothing is worse than making a recommendation that turns out to be a disaster. We want to put your mind at ease. We carefully vet all our musicians with auditions and make sure that each musician is insured for the ceremony that they are playing for. If a musician falls through before the wedding day due to unforeseeable circumstances, we can provide equally qualified and competent replacements. You have enough details to worry about, we want to do whatever it takes to provide a reliable, quality service that eases your anxieties.

Contact Us

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